This was so well written Andrew. I wrote a whole long comment, that I lost trying to sign into this app, and Delta wifi with copy/paste. Ugh

Cliff notes version, I've had a very similar social media path. Facebook, to IG to now basically Twitter and YouTube. I signed up for Threads, make a couple posts that got no engagement. I'm yet to scroll the timeline.

YT is my favorite. I subscribe to all kinds of content; photography, travel, outdoors, storms. I sometimes worry you think I'm stalker guy. All my comments are sincere, but I know comments and interactions help drive video success.

It is maddening to spend hours processing a video, not including the hours to shoot the content, for 37 views. Meanwhile my daughters watch a tween do a 15 second dance, that took 30 seconds to create, gets 10M views.

Anyways, I like making videos. I like the puzzle of creating hopefully an engaging story with dynamic photography. Making videos also makes my photos and videos living memories I can go back and watch, instead of being buried on a hard drive. If people watch, even better.

Great post!


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